Meeting 17

Aus Java Student User Group Austria - Java + JVM in Wien Österreich / Vienna Austria
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The jspc-maven-plugin from codehaus mojo uses only tcmaot 5.5.15, whereas this one will use either 5.5.15 or glassfish.Also, the jspc-maven-plugin uses the java compiler that maven uses, whereas this plugin uses the same compiler that you use in dev mode for on-the-fly compilation, which is the Eclipse java compiler.Some other differences are: + you don't have to specify a marker in the web.xml for where to insert the generated servlet-mappings. For servlet2.4 and above, the order of elements in web.xml is not significant, so the plugin can just automatically append it to the end of the existing web.xml.+ you can generate the smap stuff for jsr45 compliant debugging+ supports some other glassfish-only compilation options+ this plugin is bound to the process-classes phase whereas the other one is bound to the compile phase. As maven 2.0.4 and below doesn't guarantee the order of execution of plugins, binding to the compile phase doesn't guarantee that the java classes in the webapp will have already been compiled by the time the jspc-maven-plugin runs. This way guarantees that the jsp compilation slots in nicely between the compile and package phases.