Meeting 9
When: Monday, January 12th, 2009 - 19:00 (end approx. 21:00)
Where: Freihaus HS4
Please vote at doodle if you opt joining us. (if you already are in the list, just hit the link Functions/Edit an entry)
RESTful Webservices with JSR 311
Held by Florian Motlik.
The mighty Effective Java Puzzlers
Download the slides (pdf, 1.9MB).
Download the questionnaire (pdf, 0.4MB).
The ultimative questionnaire for all self-proclaimed Java gurus by Christoph Pickl. 18 spiteful questions taken from the books Effective Java (Joshua Bloch) and Java Puzzlers (Joshua Bloch, Neil Gafter) will test detailed knowledge about the Java language.
The most important topics will be covered by expressive, loopy, classy puzzles and a single puzzle about threads and reflection. After 45min time to solve the puzzles at your own, the following presentation solves the mystery about each puzzle.